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Briar Vista Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Agendas and Meeting Minutes 2018.19

PAC Meeting 10/12/18

Redistricting 10/30/18


PAC Meeting 11/08/18


PAC Meeting 12/05/18


April Agenda

Briar Vista Elementary

Principal Advisory Council Agenda

                                                   October 12, 2018              


          Media Center



8:00am-8:05am             Attendance/Establishment of Quorum

DCSD Vision/Mission

The vision of the DeKalb County School District is to inspire our community of learners to achieve educational excellence.  Our mission is to ensure student success, leading to higher education, work, and life-long learning. 

8:05am-8:15am              Public Comment

For members of the public wishing to provide comment, there is time allotted on the agenda from 8:05a.m.–8:15 a.m.  Each member of the public will have 2 minutes to speak. 

8:15am-8:30am              Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes from Previous PAC Meeting


8:30am-9:00am             Discussion Items



Review Draft 2019-2020 CSIP (C. Neill)

Debrief Spring 2019 Cross-Council Meeting (C. Mader)

Fall 2019 PAC Elections Planning

Teacher representative to replace open spot

Update on reading mentors effort (M.Lakus)

Meeting schedule for school year 2019-2020

9:00am-9:25am             Information Items

School Choice application communications (C. Neill)

Prepare for End-of-Year Compliance Checkpoint

9:25am-9:30am             Adjournment


Develop Agenda for Next Meeting

Next Meeting Date/Time:   May or August ???

**Email Final Agenda, Summary of Actions, and Approved Minutes to Webmaster

May Minutes

Briar Vista Elementary

Principal Advisory Council Minutes

                                             May 3, 2019             

text-indent:.5in'>          8:00 am-9:30 am

text-indent:.5in'>          Principal’s Office


The BVE School Principal Advisory Council met in a regular session on May 3, 2019 at 8 am in the Principal’s Office of BVE school, located at 1131 Briar Vista Terrace.


Attendance/Establishment of Quorum

Council Members Present: C. Neill (Principal); J. DuBose (Chair); T. Sonam (Secretary); A. Blackstock (Parent); J. Bontemps-Jones (Parent); S. Calhoun (ISS)

Council Members Absent: C. Mader (Vice-Chair); M. Lakus (Teacher); K. Torres (Parent)

Call to Order: With 4 of 7 voting members present, a quorum was established.  J. DuBose (Chair) called the meeting to order at 8:00 am.

Public Comment

No members of the public asked to comment at the meeting.


Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Chair J. DuBose emailed the agenda prior to meeting and reviewed at the beginning of the meeting. T. Sonam moved and Ms. Dubose seconded that the Council approve the agenda as presented. The agenda for PAC meeting was approved unanimously (4:0).

Approval of Previous PAC minutes

Chair J. DuBose distributed the minutes of previous PAC meeting electronically. T. Sonam moved and Ms. DuBose seconded that the Council approve the minutes as presented. The minutes from the previous PAC meeting was approved unanimously (4:0).


Discussion Items

Review Draft 2019-2020 CSIP (C. Neill and Ms. Calhoun)

Title 1 Discussion

Parental involvement:

Discussed how to improve parental involvement in school activities. Possible solutions suggested, 1) Ask kids to remind their parent to take part in school activities, 2) Limit parent meetings and announce ahead of time describing the significance and purpose of the meetings.

Continuous School Improvement Plan:

Priority I: Reading

Priority II: Math

            Priority III: Positive Behavior

Debrief Spring 2019 Cross-Council Meeting

Ms. Mader being absent, Ms. DuBose debriefed the Cross-Council Meeting. She said there is one Cross-Council meeting each in Spring and Fall at Stone Mountain. Presentation and material explain the different testing done in the school. Great  opportunity to meet other parent representatives from district and cluster area. County sought input on the process for vetting volunteers in the schools and possibly requiring background checks for volunteers interacting directly with children.

Fall 2019 PAC Elections Planning

Ms. DuBose created a flyer to recruit more participation and will send the electronic copy to all at meeting. She will ask the PTO about including an update from the PAC in each newsletter. One representative of PAC will be at the open house on July 31st table, 12-2pm to introduce parents to the PAC and generate interest.

There is still an open teacher position on the PAC due to a resignation.  Ms. DuBose will go meet with teachers at faculty meeting on Wednesday, May 8 to pitch to the teachers about joining PAC at the beginning of the meeting for five minutes. PAC members need to meet two times a semester.

Update on reading mentors effort (M.Lakus)

            No updates since M. Lakus was unable to attend PAC meeting.

Meeting schedule for school year 2019-2020

Friday, August 16, 8 am for last meeting of the 2018-2019 PAC

October 4, Friday, 8 am.

December 13, Friday, 8 am.

February 7, 2020 Friday, 8 am.

April 24, 2020 8 am.


Replacing Open Montessori 4/5 Teacher

            Discussed the resignation of Ms. Carter-Woods and the importance of bringing in an experienced Montessori teacher as replacement. Ms. Bontemps-Jones volunteered to be a parent representative to interview candidates for the open Montessori 4/5 teacher position. 


Next Meeting Date/Time for Spring
is set